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Intuit Knowledge Base Site

Project Description

In 2009, Acquia, a company that I am a partner of, called and asked if it would be possible to do a job in a hurry for a neighbor of theirs. It was Intuit, and they needed an entire Drupal installation themed and modules setup, in 4 days.

After a quick conference call with all of the involved parties, I got to work right away to get the business details in order. Within a day, all contracts, NDA’s, and plans were delivered and approved.

Because time was of the essence, and knowing that everyone was on board, I didn’t wait. Once the verbal ok had been delivered, I had set the development environment up, gotten Zen installed, and gotten started dissecting the single graphic file I had been sent as a design template.

Within 2 days, all major components were themed, and the site was sitting on Intuit’s servers, waiting for review. At that point, the site was usable, and clean, and only a few minor changes needed to be made before the stakeholders at Intuit gave the site their OK!

Project Details

Client Intuit
Date 9/2009
Skills Theming, Implementation, Drupal
View  Intuit Knowledgebase

Extra Functionality

Intuit was not only interested in having me apply a theme, but also to build in extra functionality, such as a category driven menu, a rating system, related content, and a tag cloud system.

I accomplished this using several contributed modules, and modifying them at the theme level to integrate correctly with their new front-end design.

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